CAT Autokeys

BMW X3 Replacement Keys

BMW X3 key issues

CAT Autokeys are an elite team of specialist auto locksmiths based in Nottingham with a service area covering the Midlands. The team excel at BMW car key replacements, gaining entry from lockouts as well as being able to reprogram BMW keys.

BMW X3 Key Replacement

BMW X3 replacement key costs can be quite high but they don’t have to be as CAT Autokeys have a team of auto locksmith specialising in BMW X3 key battery replacement. A member of the team will come out to you with state of the art equipment to cut and code you a key. With over a decade of experience working with BMWs, you can find out more about our car key replacement service.

Please note: When searching for a company to programme keys for your BMW be careful as we have been called out to many BMWs that other companies were supposed to have fixed, but have had little success, resulting in further problems with the CAS units.

Locked out of your BMW?

Locking yourself out of your car can be frustrating, but we can be with you within the hour. Call a member of the team and one of our technicians will get you back on the road as soon as possible.

BMW X3 lockset need changing?

There are very few auto locksmith companies capable of BMW X3 key programming other than the main BMW dealership. The experienced team are registered to use online BMW diagnostics to help determine the issue, for more information on how we can help you give CAT Autokeys a call.

How much does a BMW X3 replacement key cost?

All BMW keys start from £80. The main reason BMW X3 replacement key cost starts from £80 is because there are a variety of variables that can have an impact on the cost for a replacement key. For example, BMW X3 spare key prices have the potential to be impacted by the following:

  • Your BMW model
  • The problem you are experiencing
  • Your location

The factors shown above have a bearing on the cost of a BMW car key There’s no need to worry when getting a key for CAT Autokeys as you’ll get a level of service from the mobile technicians which is significantly cheaper when compared to the main BMW dealership

Cost of Car Keys from Main Dealership Price
Cost of BMW keys from main dealership £149.00*

*Source from

If you can’t see your model listed don’t hesitate to give us a call today as we’re more than likely able to help you out.

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